Sunday, February 1, 2009

Is it Normal???? (:

when you don't know what to do,
Do you jus' sit there and glare at the wall??
Do you think about nothing? Or do you
think about everything??
....Is it jus' me or when you think about
everything that has happened to you...
Are the first things that come to mind
usually every BAD thing that has happened to you?
Ha, well that's what happens to me. It's kinda
Demented, and it just happens to be like that
for some reason. I honestly wish that it was different,
but it's how MY mind works i guess. Grrr...
It's not the best, but it deffinitely changed my life around

1 comment:

Eric-N-Nikki said...

Oh ya that is normal. When I am bored & just sitting around, the bad memories usually come to mind first. Especially if I am listening to music that is emo or sad or whatever. Then I catch myself doing it and think HEY WAKE UP! My life could be a lot worse. it helps sometimes if you are feeling really down about stuff to make a list of all the talents you have and all the cool fun stuff you have done or accomplished in your life. It makes you realize how great your life really is. Oh and the most important for me was to think about every person in my family and realize how much I love them and How much I know they love me. If you do all that when you can't shake those thoughts you will feel happier in no time at all. :)